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Today we are doing Graph Theory. This post is a continuation of a previous post which if you are interested in here. I somehow always get scared when someone mentions Graph theory. I have to overcome the fear. So here we go! I am writing some important theorems, terms, problems, etc that I learnt from the GT books! In short, notes.
Book referred: Daniel A Marcus, Graph Theory, A Problem Oriented Approach
Chapter F:
- Euler Path: An Euler path in a graph $G$ is a path that includes every edge of $G$ exactly once. ( Not all graphs have Euler Paths)
- Closed Euler Path: An Euler path is closed if it starts and ends at the same vertex.
- Open Euler Path: Not closed.
Problem 1: Show that if a graph has at least one edge, and if all vertices have an even degree, then the graph must contain at least one cycle.
Proof: Suppose, it doesn't. Then consider a component of the graph $G.$ Then the component is a tree ( since it has no cycles). But we know a tree has at least $2$ nodes, which have an odd degree.
Problem 2: If a graph contains an Euler path, then it has $0$ or $2$ odd vertices.
Proof: Suppose there are more than $2$ odd vertices, then there is a vertex $A$ which is not the endpoints of the Euler path ( if it's not closed). Now, each time one visits $A,$ we will have to travel in and then out, in order to go to the next vertex. Implying $A$ must be an even degree.
Problem 3: If a graph contains an Euler path and has $2$ odd vertices implies that the Euler path is open.
Proof: By the above problem, we get that "Non-end points" must-have degree even. So the two odd vertices must be endpoints of the euler path $\implies$ Euler path is open.
Proof: Suppose, it doesn't. Then consider a component of the graph $G.$ Then the component is a tree ( since it has no cycles). But we know a tree has at least $2$ nodes, which have an odd degree.
Problem 2: If a graph contains an Euler path, then it has $0$ or $2$ odd vertices.
Proof: Suppose there are more than $2$ odd vertices, then there is a vertex $A$ which is not the endpoints of the Euler path ( if it's not closed). Now, each time one visits $A,$ we will have to travel in and then out, in order to go to the next vertex. Implying $A$ must be an even degree.
Problem 3: If a graph contains an Euler path and has $2$ odd vertices implies that the Euler path is open.
Proof: By the above problem, we get that "Non-end points" must-have degree even. So the two odd vertices must be endpoints of the euler path $\implies$ Euler path is open.
The Euler Path Theorem:
1. A graph or multigraph contains a closed Euler path iff
a. Every vertex has an even degree
b. All edges are in the component.
2. A graph or multigraph contains an open Euler path iff
1. We know that the graph $G$ will contain a cycle $C.$ Now delete the cycle $C.$ Note that the new graph $G'$ will still have even degree vertices. And we will have a new cycle. Delete it and so on. Repeat the process. Note that this will continue till our graph becomes a cycle.
Now, we merge all these cycles.
Say we have a cycle, $V_1\rightarrow V_2\rightarrow \dots \rightarrow V_k\rightarrow$ and we have another cycle, $V_i\rightarrow D_1\rightarrow \dots \rightarrow D_k\rightarrow V_i.$
b. All edges are in the component.
2. A graph or multigraph contains an open Euler path iff
a. Every vertex has an odd degree
b. All edges are in the component.
b. All edges are in the component.
1. We know that the graph $G$ will contain a cycle $C.$ Now delete the cycle $C.$ Note that the new graph $G'$ will still have even degree vertices. And we will have a new cycle. Delete it and so on. Repeat the process. Note that this will continue till our graph becomes a cycle.
Now, we merge all these cycles.
Say we have a cycle, $V_1\rightarrow V_2\rightarrow \dots \rightarrow V_k\rightarrow$ and we have another cycle, $V_i\rightarrow D_1\rightarrow \dots \rightarrow D_k\rightarrow V_i.$
Then consider this path,
$$V_1\rightarrow V_2\rightarrow \dots V_{i-1}\rightarrow V_i\rightarrow D_1\rightarrow \dots \rightarrow D_k\rightarrow V_i\rightarrow \dots V_k$$
$$V_1\rightarrow V_2\rightarrow \dots V_{i-1}\rightarrow V_i\rightarrow D_1\rightarrow \dots \rightarrow D_k\rightarrow V_i\rightarrow \dots V_k$$
And we can repeat this process.
2. Let the two odd vertices be $A$ and $B.$ And the number of edges to be greater than $1.$ So $A$ and $B$ are not adjacent. Then join $AB.$ By part 1, we know there is a closed Euler path. So removing $AB$ we get an open Euler path.
2. Let the two odd vertices be $A$ and $B.$ And the number of edges to be greater than $1.$ So $A$ and $B$ are not adjacent. Then join $AB.$ By part 1, we know there is a closed Euler path. So removing $AB$ we get an open Euler path.
The Euler Path Theorem directed version:
1. A graph or multigraph contains a closed Euler path iff
a. At each vertex, the in degrees $=$ out-degree
b. All edges are in the component.
2. A graph or multigraph contains an open Euler path iff
b. All edges are in the component.
2. A graph or multigraph contains an open Euler path iff
a. At one vertex, in degree $-$ out degree $=1,$ at one vertex, out degree $-$ indegree$= 1,$ rest vertex have indegree$=$outdegree.
b. All edges are in the component.
b. All edges are in the component.
Chapter G:
- Hamilton Path: A hamilton path in a graph $G$ is a simple path that contains every vertex of $G.$
- Hamilton Cycle: A cycle containing every vertex of $G.$
Problem 1: Suppose $G$ is a bipartite graph with $m$ vertices of one colour and $n$ vertices of the other colour. If $m\ne n,$ $G$ contains no hamilton cycle.
Proof: Let $X=\{v_1,\dots,v_m\},Y=\{d_1,\dots,d_n\}$ be the vertices. If hamilton cycle is being formed, the cycle would be of the form $(v_{i_1},d_{j_1},v_{i_2},\dots d_{j_x},v_{i_1}). $ Note that vertices of different colour are alternating, since all vertices are included once only, we get $m=n.$
Problem 2: Suppose $G$ is a bipartite graph with $m$ vertices of one colour and $n$ vertices of the other colour. If $m-n\ge 2$ $G$ contains no hamilton cycle.
Proof: Similar proof, but we get $\max(m-n)=1.$
Using the above two problems, we get the following.
$K_{m,n}$ contains a hamilton cycle iff $m=n.$
Problem 3: If $k$ vertices are removed from a graph that contains a hamilton path, then the number of components in the resulting subgraph is at most $k+1.$
Proof: Before removing the $k$ vertices, note that the graph was connected. Let $(d_1,d_2,\dots d_n)$ be the hamilton path. We remove $v_1,\dots,v_k.$ Then the hamilton path divides into $k+1$ parts. Consider $(d_1,\dots, d_i)$ such that $d_i$ was just before $v_1.$ Then the subgraph $(d_1,\dots, d_i)$ is connected. Similarly for the other subgraphs. Hence the number of components in the resulting subgraph is at most $k+1.$
Proof: The proof is similar to the above. But then since it's a cycle, after removing we get $k$ parts.
Following are some fancy results that help us prove that the Hamilton cycle will exist.
Problem 4: If $k$ vertices are removed from a graph that contains a hamilton cycle, then the number of components in the resulting subgraph is at most $k.$
Following are some fancy results that help us prove that the Hamilton cycle will exist.
The path cyle principle:
Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices, where $n\ge3,$ suppose that $G$ contains a hamilton path whose endpoints ( $A$ and $B$) satisfy the condition $d(A)+d(b)\ge n.$
Proof: Let the hamilton path be $(A,v_1,v_2,\dots,v_{n-2},B).$
If $A$ and $B$ are adjacent then we are done, so let's assume $A$ and $B$ are not adjacent.
We try to get something of this form.
We want to get edges $Av_{i+1}$ and $Bv_i$ to exist in graph $G.$ And then we can consider the hamilton cycle $(v_{i+1},A,v_1,v_2\dots, v_i, B, v_{n-2},\dots, v_{i+1}).$
If $A$ and $B$ are adjacent then we are done, so let's assume $A$ and $B$ are not adjacent.
We try to get something of this form.
We want to get edges $Av_{i+1}$ and $Bv_i$ to exist in graph $G.$ And then we can consider the hamilton cycle $(v_{i+1},A,v_1,v_2\dots, v_i, B, v_{n-2},\dots, v_{i+1}).$
Now consider the set $S$ be the set of $i$ such $Av_{i+1}$ are adjacent and $1\le i\le n-3.$
And consider the set $T$ be the set of $i$ such $Bv_{i}$ are adjacent and $1\le i\le n-3.$
Then note that $|S|=d(A)-1,|T|=d(B)-1.$ And $d(a)+d(b)-2\ge n-2.$ So $S\cap T\ge 1.$
The Bondy-Chvatal Theorem:
Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices, where $n\ge 3$ and suppose that $G$ can be expanded to a larger graph $G'$ that contains a hamilton cycle, by adding edges once at a time in such a way that the following condition is satisfied.
The bondy-chvatal condition: An edge can be added joining vertices $A$ and $B$ if $A$ and $B$ are not already adjacent and if their degrees satisfy $d(A)+d(B)\ge n.$
Proof: Suppose $G$ does not contain any hamilton cycle but $G'$ is. Then there will be a stage when $G_k$ does not contain a hamilton cycle but $G_{k+1}$ does. Say edge we add while converting $G_k$ to $G_{k+1}$ is $CD.$ Then we have $CD$ part of the hamilton cycle, hence we have a hamilton path in $G_k$ with $CD$ endpoints. But we also have $d(C)+d(D)\ge n\implies$ hamilton cycle exist in $G_k$ by path cycle principle.
Ore's theorem:
The bondy-chvatal condition: An edge can be added joining vertices $A$ and $B$ if $A$ and $B$ are not already adjacent and if their degrees satisfy $d(A)+d(B)\ge n.$
Proof: Suppose $G$ does not contain any hamilton cycle but $G'$ is. Then there will be a stage when $G_k$ does not contain a hamilton cycle but $G_{k+1}$ does. Say edge we add while converting $G_k$ to $G_{k+1}$ is $CD.$ Then we have $CD$ part of the hamilton cycle, hence we have a hamilton path in $G_k$ with $CD$ endpoints. But we also have $d(C)+d(D)\ge n\implies$ hamilton cycle exist in $G_k$ by path cycle principle.
Ore's theorem:
Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices, where $n\ge 3$ and suppose that $G$ satisfies
Ore's adjacency condition Whenever $d(A)+d(B)<n$ for two vertices $A$ and $B,$ $A$ and $B$ are adjacent.
Then $G$ contains a hamilton cycle.
Proof: Consider two vertices ( say $C$ and $D$) which are not adjacent in $G.$ Then we must have $d(C )+d(D)\ge n.$ And we can continue this process and get $K_n.$ But $K_n$ contains hamilton cycle, so by bondy-chvatal theorem, we are done.
Ore's adjacency condition Whenever $d(A)+d(B)<n$ for two vertices $A$ and $B,$ $A$ and $B$ are adjacent.
Then $G$ contains a hamilton cycle.
Proof: Consider two vertices ( say $C$ and $D$) which are not adjacent in $G.$ Then we must have $d(C )+d(D)\ge n.$ And we can continue this process and get $K_n.$ But $K_n$ contains hamilton cycle, so by bondy-chvatal theorem, we are done.
Dirac's theorem can be skipped since Posa's theorem is a stronger version anyways.
Dirac's theorem:
Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices, where $n\ge 3,$ and suppose that each vertex greater than or equal to $n/2.$ Then $G$ contains a hamilton cycle.
Proof: Note that we can join any two vertices as any two vertice degree sum is greater than n-1. Then at the end, we get a $K_n.$ But $K_n$ contains hamilton cycle, so by bondy-chvatal theorem, we are done.
Posa's theorem:
Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices, where $n\ge 3$ and $d_1\le d_2\le \dots \le d_n$ be the degrees satisfy the condition
Posa's degree condition: $d_1>1,d_2>2,\dots d_i>i$ for all $i<n/2.$
Proof: We will try to complete the graph by joining to non adjacent vertices $A$ and $B$ with $d(A)+d(B)\ge n$ and we will eventually get $K_n.$ And we will be done by bondy-chvatal theorem.
If $d_1+d_2\ge n$ we are done, so let's assume $d_1+d_2<n.$
Note that $d_r+d_{r+1}\ge n$ for $r=[n/2].$
Proof: Note that we can join any two vertices as any two vertice degree sum is greater than n-1. Then at the end, we get a $K_n.$ But $K_n$ contains hamilton cycle, so by bondy-chvatal theorem, we are done.
Posa's theorem:
Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices, where $n\ge 3$ and $d_1\le d_2\le \dots \le d_n$ be the degrees satisfy the condition
Posa's degree condition: $d_1>1,d_2>2,\dots d_i>i$ for all $i<n/2.$
Proof: We will try to complete the graph by joining to non adjacent vertices $A$ and $B$ with $d(A)+d(B)\ge n$ and we will eventually get $K_n.$ And we will be done by bondy-chvatal theorem.
If $d_1+d_2\ge n$ we are done, so let's assume $d_1+d_2<n.$
Note that $d_r+d_{r+1}\ge n$ for $r=[n/2].$
So there must be $2\le i\le r$ such that $$d_{i-1}+d_i< n, ~~ d_i+d_{i+1}\ge n.$$ So $d_i<n-i.$
Now let $A$ be the vertex having degree $d_i.$ Now consider the $n-i$ vertices which have degree $d_{i+1},d_{i+2},\dots, d_{n}.$
Since $d_i<n-1\implies $ there is a vertex which have degree $\ge d_{i+1}$ and is not adjacent to $A.$ We let that vertex be $B$ and join them. We are done.
Phew! That was a lot for me. I will post the sequel tomorrow!
Sunaina 💜
Woah a lot of new stuff up there; nice post!
ReplyDeletePS: iirc Ore's theorem made it's appearance in INMO 21
Hi Anand, long time no talk :pleading:.. Thanks a lot for commenting! And yes, I heard people mentioning Ore's theorem in INMO 21 was equivalent to 10+ marks... :O