Hello there! It has been a long time since I uploaded a post here. I recently took a class at the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp 2024, held at CMI. Here are a few problems that I discussed! My main references were Po-Shen Loh's Graph theory Problem set (2008), Adrian tang's Graph theory problem set (2012) and Warut Suksompong's Graph Cycles and Olympiad Problems Handout and AoPS. I also referred to Evan Chen's Graph theory Otis Problem set for nice problems! Text Book Problems which are decent A connected graph $G$ is said to be $k$-vertex-connected (or $k$-connected) if it has more than $k$ vertices and remains connected whenever fewer than $k$ vertices are removed. Show that every $k$-connected graph of order atleast $2k$ contains a cycle of length at least $2k$. We begin with a lemma. Prove that a graph $G$ of order $n \geq 2k$ is $k$ connected then every 2 disjoint set $V_1$ and $V_2$ of $k$ distinct vertices each, there exist $k$...
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