Some of the ISLs I did before INMO :P [2005 G3]: Let $ABCD$ be a parallelogram. A variable line $g$ through the vertex $A$ intersects the rays $BC$ and $DC$ at the points $X$ and $Y$, respectively. Let $K$ and $L$ be the $A$-excenters of the triangles $ABX$ and $ADY$. Show that the angle $\measuredangle KCL$ is independent of the line $g$ Solution: Note that $$\Delta LDK \sim \Delta XBK$$ and $$\Delta ADY\sim \Delta XCY.$$ So we have $$\frac{BK}{DY}=\frac{XK}{LY}$$ and $$\frac{DY}{CY}=\frac{AD}{XC}=\frac{AY}{XY}.$$ Hence $$\frac{BK}{CY}=\frac{AD}{XC}\times \frac{XK}{LY}\implies \frac{BK}{BC}=\frac{CY}{XC}\times \frac{XK}{LY}=\frac{AB}{BC}\times \frac{XK}{LY} $$ $$\frac{AB}{LY}\times \frac{XK}{BK}=\frac{AB}{LY}\times \frac{LY}{DY}=\frac{AB}{DL}$$ $$\implies \Delta CBK\sim \Delta LDK$$ And we are done. We get that $$\angle KCL=360-(\angle ACB+\angle DKC+\angle BCK)=\angle DAB/2 +180-\angle DAB=180-\angle DAB/2$$ Motivation: I took a hint on this. I had other angles but I did...
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